The health benefits of magnesium are wide and varied. It is one of the main nutrients that I prescribe in practice. Magnesium is an essential mineral in the body, 53% is found in bone, 27% in muscle and the remainder in soft tissue (19%) and body fluids (< 1%).

Magnesium absorption occurs mainly from in the lower part of the large intestine. Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhoea may reduce the absorption of dietary magnesium. It has been estimated that magnesium intake has declined by more than half during the past century. Modern food processing, intensive farming leading to soil depletion and acid rain all contribute to reduced magnesium in our food chain.

Benefits of Magnesium

The benefits of magnesium can affect the entire body. From hormone balance, supporting stress response and anxiety, gut function, bone health, sleep, heart health to name just a few. Adequate levels of magnesium may help with PMS such as bloating, headaches, insomnia, weight gain and breast tenderness. It also helps with anxiety, stress and other mood disorders.

It also helps maintain proper levels of calcium, zinc and potassium in the body. Your heart, muscles and kidneys need magnesium to work. It also helps build bones and teeth. It has an important role in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism.

Magnesium may also play a beneficial role in the prevention and treatment of asthma through relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscle.

Top 10 sources of Magnesium:

  • Spinach;
  • seeds such as pumpkin, hemp, flaxseeds, sesame and chia;
  • beans such as lima, white beans, kidney and chickpeas;
  • fish such as tuna and salmon;
  • grains such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat;
  • nuts such as almonds, cashews, brazil, walnuts, pecans;
  • dark chocolate;
  • avocados;
  • bananas.
Health Benefits of Magnesium

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